Sunday, July 31, 2011

wonderful world

Never really loved Sundays before, but I love this Sunday.

I'm sitting, listening to the rain and the wind in the trees, and I can't help think how amazing this world is. God must really love us to create such a beautiful world for our viewing pleasure.

Also, the sound of thunder will never cease to be my favorite thing.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

this is an angry post

I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I had the worst day of my life (not really but pretty close, I swear). I'm the BIGGEST grump right now. I seriously want to punch someone. Everyone just needs to stop being so freaking annoying.


slow people
uncomfortable situations
people trying to be cool
not being good enough for someone
when my family doesn't move their laundry into the dryer
people taking advantage of others help
not knowing what to say
not being able to stop crying
having to exercise
mowing the lawn
being scared
feeling unwanted and not loved
being used
trusting someone you shouldn't
life not turning out the way you expected it to
growing up
too much responsibility
sitting home at night
being told what to do
feeling confined
washing my face
not feeling pretty
light shining in your eyes
the shower always being either too hot or too cold
being forced to watch boring movies
taking naps and waking up twice as tired and cranky
doing so much for someone who does nothing in return
not being appreciated
missing something
not being able to move on with life
hating all of my clothes
little paychecks 
realizing what you should have said to someone long after the conversation
being nervous
not getting what i want
being in pain
people not sharing
waiting for something that never happens
not being skinny
phones that won't delete your messages and then get way slow
hating someone because they have what you want
sending a text and immediately regretting it
dvds that skip
being poor
working with incompetent people
being alone
not knowing how to be friends with someone
my neighbors rooster that won't shut up
this blog post
stubborn people
annoying questions
most country music
annoying people
annoying people
annoying people
forgetting to do something until it's too late
quitting something
not being as good as i want at something
mosquito bites
having no where to be
feeling stupid
wasting my time
people i follow not posting on their blogs so i have nothing to read
fake crap people post on facebook
pretending to be patient when i'm not at all
allowing someone to so easily control my emotions
not being able to breathe right when i'm so sad
having no good books
not obtaining the perfect schedule i hoped for
gross stuff
making a mistake
missing out
hoping for something i know will not happen
being a coward
not being able to take a chance
staying up late simply because i feel dumb going to bed way early
not feeling any less angry after writing a thousand things i hate  

Monday, July 18, 2011

hakuna matata

it means no worries for the rest of your days
it's our problem-free philosophy 

I am a very shy person. If I am ever around anyone I don't know I hardly speak at all. Some may have assumed me to be a mute. Not really, although that would be pretty cool come to think of it. As I was sitting on my bed pondering today I realized that I have wasted quite a large amount of my life with this whole being shy nonsense. That is all it is, complete and utter nonsense. I have missed many an opportunity to make friends because I was too scared to talk to someone. I have also heard many times that people assume me to be stuck-up or a snob because I never talk to them. I guess they believe that I find myself to be "too cool" for them. That is so far off from the truth. I honestly just wouldn't know how to even start a conversation.

This earlier mentioned pondering led me to a brilliant conclusion: I need to take a stand. I am done being the shy girl sitting in the corner. I am going to be out going. I am going to branch out, make friends, and have more fun. This summer my friends and I have been doing some pretty unusual activities. Some of which have forced me to be more forward with strangers or people I am less acquainted with. It has been some of the best times ever.

I am done letting my life pass me by while I watch sullenly from the sidelines. I am going to take life head on. And have a freaking awesome time with it. Life is flying by so quickly. I can't let it go without making sure I am doing my best to enjoy every second of it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

i hate when things are over

undesirable number one
the boy who lived
the chosen one
harry potter

The countdown is complete. Tonight is the night all of us Harry Potter fans have been waiting for. At this point though I find myself not excited at all. Truthfully I am dreading the movie. When the movie is done, Harry Potter will be done. FOREVER. I can hardly get that through my head. 

I started reading Harry Potter during 1st grade. I have been an obsessive fan every since. Come on a road trip with the Walker's and you will find us playing "HP trivia". Our very favorite game. We bought all of the books as they came out, which resulted in us throwing the first four books away because they fell apart from overuse. I have read each book over 8 times. At the very least.

I decided two days ago that I would read HP 7 before the movie came out. I finished it this morning. It made me cry multiple times. I love the Deathly Hallows. Best HP book ever written. After reading that last book for the first time I cried. I couldn't believe the books were over. I was slightly consoled with the fact that the movies were still going. Now they will be done too. Over forever.

I will miss every character from every book. After reading the 7th book my favorite character of all is Snape. Sometimes I pick up HP 7 and only read the chapter in which Harry sees Snape's memories in the penseive. It is so terribly sad and touching.

It is crazy how much some fictional book can effect me. It is slightly embarrassing but I don't even care. I love Harry Potter. Always have and always will.

I hope Harry Potter creates a legacy that lasts forever. 

long live harry potter

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

this post will change your life

If you are reading this blog and the thought "wow, this blog is really lame" is running through your head, let me tell you, I know this blog is lame. I am not expecting anyone to read my boring posts and have a life changing experience. Although I know those fishing pictures were pretty inspiring to some people. I am blogging only to get my thoughts out and document my life for future use. Because I'm sure that in the future I will be dying to know that wished I had musical talent and will have the extreme desire to remember every sad song I listened to.

I really, really love reading blogs. I honestly feel deeply inspired sometimes by a simple ordinary post. I don't know why, but reading a persons feelings that you wouldn't normally hear really gets to me; even if the feelings are just average every day ones. I wish I could have discovered the blogging world earlier on. Many a boring day could have been spent seeing the world through a different set of eyes.

Anywho, I have, of course, been having a Harry Potter movie marathon the past couple days. So this post was read in my head with a British accent. I couldn't help it. So please, read this with that accent in mind. It just wouldn't be right if you didn't. I CANNOT WAIT FOR HARRY POTTER. Sorry, I couldn't contain my excitement there. Stay tuned for an epic blog post about Harry Potter my love. Coming shortly. Hold your breath. It's going to be awesome.

(sneak peek) 

I know it's incredibly exciting but please do not pee your pants.

p.s. the post title was purely sarcasm

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

this love of ours is terrible news

If I had the choice of possessing any one talent in the world I think I would choose to be musically gifted. I would love to be able to write music, play it, and sing it.

I have attempted multiple times to write a song on the guitar. Every time I fail miserably. I guess music just isn't my forte.

I have to settle with simply enjoying the musical talent of others.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

if only

how in the world did my life come to this?

i never could have imagined that i would be in the position i am in. life sucks sometimes. right now especially.


friends can really let you down.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


This morning Hay, Kels, and I got to go on a hot air balloon ride.
It was incredible:)

Friday, July 1, 2011

happily ever after

I have my whole life planned out for me. Move out, go to UVU, become a dental hygienist, get married, have a family, live happily ever after. Blah blah blah. Sometimes that life sounds like a great one and I can't wait for it to come. Recently though I have been taking a second look at "my future". Don't get me wrong, it would be a great life, but where is the excitement?

It feels wrong to have your life planned out. Life will never turn out exactly how you want it to. So why dream up your perfect future and be disappointed when it isn't the fairytale you imagined it to be? Everyone has a tough life in some way or another. "No one said it would be easy, they only said it would be worth it". Cliche, but true. I say, live your life. Do what makes you happy. The perfect life will find you. As it says in Dan in Real Life: "instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised".

All of this aside, I do plan on a happily ever after.